• December 23, 2024

What has surprised you about growing old together?

Life is an interesting journey. When we were younger, we didn’t think about getting old and being different from when we were young. Each age is a blessing and has its positives and negatives. I guess we have no choice.

NEGATIVES: Concerning our bodies: More aches and pains, especially when we are active…we tire more easily when we work long hours…can’t take long hikes…shouldn’t get on ladders…more disturbed sleep…memory slipping at times…desire to stay at home more than run around so much.

POSITIVES: Short afternoon nap…Memories from past years…Joyful times with family and friends…Enjoyment with grandchildren and great-grandchildren…Helping each other with meals and dishes…Enjoyment of traveling opportunities…Enjoy working in the yard together…Noel still being involved in part-time ministry at church…Ruby still using her musical gifts…Thankful for modern communication…

ADVICE: We never think we can’t be used in some way in God’s Kingdom. We still love to have people in our home to share fellowship or a meal…Friends or family are always welcome. The telephone is a great tool to connect and reach out to others. Write someone a note or send a card. A visit to an elderly person can always lift their day.

Don’t become self-centered…think how you can be a blessing to others. People are lonely…Be a blessing each day.