This is an interesting question. During my High School year at a Bible Camp, I knew God called me into the ministry. No matter what other professions I may have thought about, it came back to this call. I knew that I had to go into the ministry. I have never regretted it. God has been good to me and my wonderful and precious wife, who has always been right by my side and very much a part of the ministry.
During my first two years of college, I thought a lot about going into Psychiatry, but the “call” was still there, and I could not pursue anything else.
I have thought that if I didn’t go into the ministry, it would be great to be a farmer. I loved every year I spent on the farm, out in the fields from early morning to early evening. Even helping with some of the farm chores. It was great. But to be a farmer, I would have to inherit a farm; otherwise, I could never afford it.
I have a real sense of fulfillment from the ministry. I did what God called me to do, and He has blessed me.
I guess I had several things I was interested in when I was younger. I thought maybe I would work in social work, but that thought changed when I got to Dana. I was always very interested in music, so I pursued piano and organ at Dana. I took secretarial classed as well. I had jobs in all these areas but never focused on one area. It was always my desire to be a mom, so we had our first child during Noel’s internship. I still worked in the areas that I had abilities. God always used me in many ways to support Noel in the church ministry, and I’ve been blessed. No regrets…