My (Noel) father was a pastor in the United Evangelical Lutheran Church, a Danish Synod.
The only College of the UELC was Dana, so I never thought about going any other place. But there was more to my reason for going there. Both my parents attended Dana College. I had Aunts and Uncles who attended Dana. My older sister, Pat, was the first to go. I went two years later and then my brother Paul and my younger sister Mary two years later. So it was kind of a family affair. During my last two years at Dana, my sister Pat and brother Paul were there, all three of us simultaneously. I also had several cousins that attended. So Dana was THE COLLEGE. Never thought about going to a different college.
First, I (Noel) would say that college is not for everyone. It is great if you are going into a profession that requires a degree in a particular field, and you know without a doubt that this is what you are going to do. For some, going to a two-year school may help solidify what profession you would really like to enter, and then finish at a college or university where you can get your degree and maybe even going on for your Masters.
Life on the campus is valuable. It teaches you the value of making wise decisions, whether friends, part-time jobs, or learning to be responsible and accountable. Mom and/or Dad would not be there for you to run to for whatever decision you need to make or any need you may have.
For the most part, you are on your own.
There are other things one can do to prepare for your future. Some may choose to go to a trade school that would prepare them for a specific trade. There they would get a lot of hands-on experience. The length of a trade school varies, depending on what you are preparing for. Another avenue that many are choosing today is an apprenticeship. This is where a company, maybe an electrical company or refrigeration company, will bring you on, and you would work alongside someone and learn the trade. This way you will be paid while you work. Many companies are offering apprenticeships.
Since I (Ruby) was a young girl, I knew I wanted to go to Dana College in Blair, Nebraska.
One of the professors was a family friend and professor at the college. Several youth from our church went to Dana and were role models for me. Being from California, it was a real sacrifice for Mom and Dad to send me that far away. They trusted that the education I got at Dana was faith-based. This would also reinforce the Christian training I got in our home and church. I wanted to study music, and Dana had a top music program. My dad attended Dana for a year to finish his High School education and several of his brothers. Dana was a college supported by our Lutheran Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, a Danish Synod. This was the affiliation of our church in Ferndale, California.
I (Ruby) would suggest looking at several colleges to find the best program of their primary interest. Scholarships are also very important, so that can be a factor in the selection. There are so many options for youth if they don’t feel college is for them in this day and age. Look into a community college where you can receive training for a couple of years in the field of your choice. Maybe even a trade school for a shorter time where you would learn a trade of interest. There are also apprenticeships where you would work alongside someone in a company to get the training you need and hire you. Most of all—-PRAY about your decision. Ask the Lord where He would have you go to use the talents and abilities He has given you.